Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

GeoCities will close later this year.

Semalam waktu iseng buka Google AdSense, tiba - tiba langsung saja aku terfikir buat daftarin website punyaku sendiri yang berada di alamat dengan harapan biar dapat dollar. Tanpa pikir panjang langsung saja aku daftarin itu website ke Google AdSense dan lagsung aku veryfikasi. gak lama halaman google pun aku buka dan aku cari berita berbahasa Inggris, eh .. ketemu, Ada berita "British actress Lucy Gordon found dead" dari alamat aku posting tuh berita di punyaku. Dalam hatiku berkata.. "wah... bakal lolos Google AdSense neh website ku"

Terus aku preview halaman Tapi sedikit berantakan website ini, maklum udah 1tahun di buat tapi cuma ada 5 posting dengan kurang lebih 20 comment dan web stats nya aja cuma 200an pengunjung, kurang terurus deh pokoknya. Tapi berhubung udah di daftarin di Google AdSense jadi pengen di re-build lagi biar rapi dikit jadi aku hapus dulu tuh web di Singkat cerita waktu mau buat web lagi di geocities dengan account yang sama eh gak bisa malah ada tulisan "Sorry, new GeoCities accounts are no longer available.". Akhirnya aku klik link ini help dan aku baca-baca isinya.

Neh isinya :

GeoCities will close later this year

Why is GeoCities not accepting new customers?

We have decided to discontinue the process of allowing new customers to sign up for GeoCities accounts as we focus on helping our customers explore and build new relationships online in other ways. We will be closing GeoCities later this year.

I'm a GeoCities customer. What's happening to my site?

Existing GeoCities accounts have not changed. You can continue to enjoy your web site and GeoCities  services until later this year. You don't need to change a thing right now we just wanted you to let you know about the closure as soon as possible. We'll provide more details about closing GeoCities and how to save your site data this summer, and we will update the help center with more details at that time. Will something happen to my GeoCities Free or Plus account? Later this year we will be closing all GeoCities accounts and web sites. We'll send you more details  this summer.

Can I prepare for GeoCities closing now?

All of our GeoCities customers can continue to enjoy their sites and GeoCities services until later this year. You don't need to change your service today, but we encourage anyone interested in a full-featured web hosting plan to consider upgrading to our award-winning Yahoo! Web Hosting service.

Yahoo! Web Hosting includes a personalized domain name (such as and matching email, new site building tools, unlimited disk space and bandwidth, premium customer support, and more. See details.

When will I get more information?

We'll provide more details about closing GeoCities and how to save your site data this summer, and we  will update the help center with more details at that time.

Does Yahoo! offer another free hosting service?

No, Yahoo! does not offer another free hosting service. Instead we recommend our award-winning Yahoo! Web Hosting service, which includes a personalized domain name (such as and matching email, new site building tools, unlimited disk space and bandwidth, premium customer support, and more. Learn more or sign up. As a Yahoo! customer, you also can now use your free Yahoo! profile as a central point to manage your identity, activities, and interests across Yahoo! and make it easy to connect and share with the people who matter to you most. Visit your profile now or learn more about Yahoo! profiles.

I have a GeoCities email address. Will I get to keep it when GeoCities closes?

Yes. Some of our earliest GeoCities customers took advantage of GeoCities email addresses, like Those email addresses will not change with the closure later this year.

Dari hasil baca informasi di atas Geocities bakal di tutup di akhir tahun ini dan gak mau menerima new members lagi, sedikit gak percaya seh tapi akhirnya percaya juga waktu baca blog orang tentang geocities yang bakal di tutup, eh ternyata info tersebut udah lama, dari 24 April 2009.

Aku ketinggalan Berita. "#43!!3$##@#$%5^7*" Haduh..............